This blog is going to be like a big buffet of goodness! There are so many parts to my personality and I intend on sharing every single part with you here on this blog. Whether it's cooking, recipes, product reviews, beauty related things, household tips for meal planning and decorating all on a tight budget, to tech stuff like app reviews, tips and tricks on how to get your phone looking oh so snazzy to even paranormal related stuff and book reviews. I hope your ready! If so please hit that follow button below so you will be sure to not miss a single post!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Down Down the Numbers GOOO!!!

Ok just wanted to post a really quick entry for everyone about my progress on the weightloss is going. I am still going strong with the intermittent fasting and am still 150% happy with it!! I am finding it so much easier now to not eat than I was, so really excited about that! I have been exercising every evening, still walking and riding my stationary bike. Today makes Day #18 for me and I am still totally loving it! I love how I am feeling and how my body is just so much more light feeling if that makes any sense. My pants are beginning to get a little loose on me, a few pair of my shorts are pretty big on me now, I haven't noticed that much of a difference in my shirts or bras yet but I know that will come.

I have to go now, got alot of cleaning to do before bedtime tonight as well as get a workout in..ugh...I am going to welcome the pillow tonight! lol But first here is my current weight!

CURRENT WEIGHT: 294.6 pounds!

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