This blog is going to be like a big buffet of goodness! There are so many parts to my personality and I intend on sharing every single part with you here on this blog. Whether it's cooking, recipes, product reviews, beauty related things, household tips for meal planning and decorating all on a tight budget, to tech stuff like app reviews, tips and tricks on how to get your phone looking oh so snazzy to even paranormal related stuff and book reviews. I hope your ready! If so please hit that follow button below so you will be sure to not miss a single post!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Ok for those of you who follow my weightloss is an update for early update that is....

I have been SUCKING!!!!!!!!!!
All you gals who think you have been horrible on your journeys...well I have been that horrible plus more...
What the hell is wrong with me?
Don't I wanna loose my fat ass?
This is me talking to myself right now ok...
Honestly I dunno...I think it might be because it is getting time for the old ugly aunt to come and visit me (if ya get my drift). All I have been able to do lately is think and think and think about chocolate....I WANT CHOCOLATE!!
Today was horrible....I ate a whole effin pop tart....almost 400 calories!! WTH?!
Then I ate about 4 chocolate chip cookies.....HUH!!!!!!!
I am really gonna have to get back on track tomorrow or I am going to be spending the rest of my life just loosing, gaining, loosing, gaining and loosing the same few pounds over and over again.

POINT OF THIS STORY: Don't be to hard on yourself for those girls who are on their own journeys because none of us are perfect and we never will be. Striving for perfection is the kiss of death. Always remember....tomorrow is a new day! Get back at it....right excuses....dont make me whoop ya ass!


  1. Girl.. take the 14 days sugarfree challenge with me. I just started 3 days ago. Sugar is like a drug addiction. Gotta tackle it like it is.
    you can do it girl!!!!

  2. What is the 14 day sugarfree challenge? OMG if it truely is what the name implies then I don't think I could go that long without sugar..lmao
